Friday, October 8, 2010

My first blog - October 8th 2010

Boy is the world in trouble now... I had no idea that I could write my thoughts down for the world to see for FREE? Wow.

I really like to talk. I talk a lot, and I talk to anyone... everyone... myself even. Often. I can find anything at all to talk about.  A good portion of what I say is inappropriate. By that I mean that my statements sound completely normal to me when I say them, but hours later, 'witnesses' say to me "gosh, I can't believe you said that. Wow, you have guts". The truth is that I have no guts, in fact I am deathly afraid of conflict.  I just lack the part of the brain that says "what you are saying is not socially acceptable".  So if I have ever offended you, I assure you it was not on purpose. It is not my style to start a fight.
So knowing how much I like to talk, you can imagine how much I like to write!

I am a 30-something wife and mother of 2.  I have a boy who is 10 and a girl who is 7 and a half.  In my mind, I deeply screwed both of my kids up early in life.  My son has no self esteem whatsoever, and I believe that is because when I had him, there were other children I knew whose behavior I didn't like. Little did I know that this was NORMAL child  behavior. So growing up as a tot, I scourned my son for mimicing those "normal behaviors".  By the time he was 5 I realized what I had done so I tried to change my ways for my daughter. Have you ever tried to overcompensate with your car to come out of a 360 spin?  That's what I did with my daughter. For an entire year of her life, she insisted on being called Princess Genevieve.  That would be all well and good but her name is not Genevieve. Long story short, she believes she is not a princess, but in fact a queen.  She believes herself to be a rock star when in fact she is more tone deaf than even me.  She can do no wrong... and she knows it. 

You will often catch me pleading with my husband to have another child. I have a 4 bedroom house, 1.5 baths, a boy, a girl, a husband, a dog, and a minivan. Why in the world would I want another child you may ask?  Simple. Screwed up that one, screwed up that one... everyone gets 3 strikes right? Please just give me one more try, I know I can get this right!

So that is my challenge at home. At work I am another person. I spent many years learning technology and trends in a new market called Digital Signage. I love it, and it comes easy to me.  However, some poor experiences in recent years led me to look to a new market to persue my career in.  So now I am tackling the world of VoIP (Voice over IP).  I have a mild technology background... I know what the current version of windows is, I know what a T1 line is and what DSL is, and I know how to use Facebook.  Now I am submersed in this idea of making voice and video calls over the internet.  When I interviewed with my current employer, I thought... ok, I get it. Easy peasy.  The idea of it is, how it works is not so easy. It has been almost a year now and I feel like about once a week I have my "aha!" moment where I finally get something that has been told to me a dozen times already.  Learning a new trade as a thirty-something is not as easy as it was when I was 22.  This is my challenge from 8-5. If you are new to VoIP maybe you could follow along with me and we can share our "aha!" moments....

So this blog is the story of my life - personal and career.  I am a story teller you see. Most of my stories are mildly entertaining, but the lessons learned and the keen observations and questions I pose may  have you looking at things in a different way.  My dry sense of humor and sarcasm may amuse you.  If not, oh heck, this is like having a diary again.... even if nobody ever reads it, at least I have a record of the deterioration of my mind... this way, when I am in the looney bin and the doctors are asking "how did she get this way? When did it start?" there will be physical evidence they can research. And so I begin....

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