The Brazil Butt Lift Workout
So loving DirectTV as much as I do, I happened to come across an entire 1/2 hour TV program dedicated to selling me on one of those home workouts called the Brazil Butt Lift Workout. I watched this workout and was intriqued because the workout coach, Leandro, promised me that if I do the workouts, my body is going to change. A promise is just what I was looking for! But 4 payments of $19.99 plus S&H was not worth a DVD... I have been down this road before, it was called Billy Blank's Tae Bo and it cost me $129 plus shipping and I did one workout before retiring the VHS tapes to the storage shelf forever, never to enter theVCR again.
A month later my husband tells me he has DVR'd an exercise program for me. When he started it I recognized Leandro and told him that this was not a program to watch now but an informercial to buy a program to do at home. I figured he would see that this was not what he thought it was and turn it off. But then he saw all the hot girls exercising in their little hot pants and sports bras while Leandro is touching their booties. It was like 'Skin'emax so he watched the entire infomercial and then continued to tell me that I should get it. I laughed at him but a few days later he brought it up again. Sure dear, I can read between the lines... I have a fat ass and you would like me to do something about it. Got it. So I bought the DVD program on Amazon, which by the way is more expensive than buying it directly on the website now, and 2 days later I was ready to cash in on Leandro's promise that my body was going to change.
Realizing that Leandro is Fucking Nuts
The Brazil Butt Lift regime is broken into 5 different workouts. Bum Bum, Cardio Axe, High and Tight, Tummy Tuck, and Sculpt.

The High and Tight workout is 35 minutes of targeted strength training. Using ankle weights and a resistance band, you will work at least 3 angles each on your lower butt, upper butt, inner thigh, outer thigh, and of course strengthen your core. This workout is actually doable without a break however it is another one that isn't pretty to watch. Again, Leandro doesn't actually DO the workout, he just supervises and directs. Don't be fooled, just because you can do it without taking a break, this workout will burn! The hardest move is the suspended clam where you lay on your side with your thighs one of top of the other on the ground but your feet and heels slightly off the ground. From this position, you open your knees while keeping your feet together and raise your upper knee to point up to the ceiling. The picture to the right is the non-suspended clam, if she were to have her legs from the knees to her ankle off the ground, she would be doing the suspended clam. At first these are doable, but after your do them for 1 minute straight, I have been known to scream out loud...
Enter Sculpt. Sculpt is your typical gym workout working your biceps, triceps, abs, lower back, deltoids, and core. If High and Tight is your lower body workout, then Sculpt is mostly upper body. The toughest part of Sculpt is the length. With 50 minutes of targeted toning and plenty of planks and variations of planks, you will not have anything left for another workout. Ughhhh, those planks... not just planks but one handed planks that move into side planks and then side bridges where you do a side plank and then let your body sag and then lift it up repeatedly. Did I mention that Leandro is fucking crazy? I say that to myself every time I get to this part of the workout.

The Regime - Commit or Don't Waste Your Time
So Leandro doesn't just give you the DVD's and let you at it. There is a 4 week workout schedule depending on your body type: Flat, too big, pear shaped, or classic. Once you choose your body type, it tells you which workout to do every day, and it is at least one workout a day except for Sundays. This workout regime is not forgiving, if you don't follow it, you won't see results.
I have many problems in this region so I am on an 8 week plan. First four weeks I am following the "too big" plan. Hopefully I will lose some not so wanted inches and then I will start 4 weeks of the "pear shaped" plan. Part of the too big plan is weight and fat loss so there is lots of Cardio Axe. You will work very hard on this regime but I am pretty sure you will see results. In the 4 weeks I have been following the regime I have lost an inch on my waist, hips, thighs and a half inch in my arms. I have seen a greater result in one place, my chest of course, which is shrinking at a rapid pace... damn Leandro. In 3 weeks I have only gone one day without doing my assigned workout, and I felt terribly guilty about it.
So if you are looking to lose some inches below the waist, definitely try the Brazil Butt Lift workout which is cheaper at than it is on If you are looking for a workout buddy, I can be your buddy! Also, after a short time with the workout regime, I can tell you Leandro is flipping nuts but his voice is very sexy so he gives you a good reason to keep working!
You are the MAN!! I loved the energy you put into this post besides your honesty. Leandro ain't go NOTHING on Shaun T. from Insanity but I think that when we are going through a bona fide STRUGGLE for the first time, that's how all of us would feel. It's not easy and I have mixed feelings on the whole 'smiling through the whole workout' thing. You want to stay positive but at the same time you don't want to come across as insensitive and annoying to a first timer who put everything they had into that workout and didn't leave feeling successful afterwards. When I had my first 45lbs to lose it was with TurboJam, same exact thing as you, saw the infomercial on TV and was hooked, I bought it and tore through it the first 4 weeks and followed the meal plan. Looking back I realize that was the most important part. And what's funny is it wasn't the drop of the number on the scale that kept me going, it was the changes I was seeing in my arms. I've always had big arms with lots of flab in tricep area. But I was seeing small fruits to my big labor and that really help push me to keep going. It's a big deal that you pushed through and make through these workouts. And THANK YOU for paying it forward and offering to help others by being a fitness buddy, that is how we are best motivated to keep going. Am excited to stay in touch with you as I continue my journey! - Dwana Olsen.
ReplyDeleteI wrote this post over a week ago and am proud to say that I have finished the Tummy Tuck. I still couldn't do the lift your hips and rotate thing, but I rotated without lifting my hips. I was also able to do the side planks in Sculpt! I am getting there... the scale isn't flying down, but my pants are a little looser and I feel better about myself.