Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Ridding Yourself of Breast Cancer

In my last post I told you about the process of being diagnosed with breast cancer. Now I want to tell you how I am going to get rid of it.

The Cure - Phase 1 - The Iridologist

The day after my diagnosis I went to town on Google and WebMD looking up the term "Well differentiated" and "intermediate nuclear grade".  None of these words sound terribly daunting or gloomy so I had a pretty good feeling that it was still early and not dire.  Through family connections, I was able to get an appointment with a well respected oncologist for Thursday January 10th, so I had a few days to kill before I got definitive answers.  Being the impatient person that I am, that STILL wasn't fast enough for me so Tuesday January 8th, I set out to see what I could do NOW to start ridding my body of cancer.

I am extremely lucky to have a world renowned iridologist in my family. My paternal grandmother is none other than the famous Alice Mammoser who is accredited with curing cancer and other terminal ailments naturally in such books as Wise Secrets of Aloha: Learn and Live the Sacred Art of Lomilomi by Harry Uhane and The Power of Flow: Practical Ways to Transform Your Life with Meaningful Coincidence by Charlene Belitz. In an effort to make this flow better, I will refer to her as Alice as opposed to "Grandma Ma" which is what we call her. Alice travels the world to visit her clients and right them when they have wronged their bodies through diet, herbal supplements and cleansers, and other alternative medicine suggestions.

I am not a full believer in iridology, in fact, many studies have found that it holds no merit. What I do believe in, because I have seen it with my own eyes, is that people with terminal cancer who declined traditional oncologigical treatment are still living fully 2 to 3 years later because of what Alice has prescribed for them to do.  I have basically no information except that I have breast cancer in both breasts at the ripe old age of 37. I feel that I eat healthy, yet I am severely over weight so obviously there is room for change. I don't smoke, I do drink occasionally, and I have been known to indulge in french fries and Lindt truffles maybe more often than I should. What do I have to lose by seeing what Alice has to say? I would say the several hundred dollars an hour that she charges (and people pay) to see her, but being her favorite grand daughter I get in for free and get to skip to the front of the line! (sticking my tongue out).

So Tuesday afternoon Alice saw me, shortly after my "last meal" at the local chinese buffet (I will explain later). She told me that I have been poisoning my body. The stuff I have been consuming is dangerous at best but in my predicament, it was a superfood to feed cancer. She told me I consume too much sugar. I don't indulge in sweets generally, except for the Lindt truffles I get as gifts at Christmas time, so I was not sure what she means.  Apparently everything that I have been eating has sugar in it.  Don't believe me?  Read labels of everything in your kitchen cupboards and try to not consume anything with sugar in it for one day. Remember, other names for sugar are lactose, fructose, glucose, sucralose, basically anything that ends in -ose.  She said I can't have soda any more. I told her I could because I drink diet and it has no sugar in it. She knocked me upside my head like only your grandmother can do and said "If it is sweet and it has no sugar, it is even worse. It has aspartame or, even worse, saccarin which not only feed cancer, some studies show they actually cause cancer".  In addition to sugar, she told me caffeine and gluten also feed cancer. I had to cut them from my diet immediately.  I think the only thing that rivals trying to find food that doesn't include sugar is finding food that doesn't include gluten.  So, if you are keeping score here, Alice told me to eliminate from my diet: sugar, wheat, pasta, rice, coffee, soda, iced tea, any caffeinated teas, all fruit, any dairy products, coffee creamer, cheese, any canned or prepackaged foods that use sugar as a preservative. Then she went further to list some things that weren't apparent with this list of no-no's such as saltm,vinegar, beef and pork and any non-organic game.  Why? Any meat that is not organic is likely injected with hormone before slaughter.  Breast cancer is known to often begin and be fed by estrogen and progesterone in the body. The last thing a breast cancer survivor needs is foreign hormones. 

So what can I eat? I spent about 3 days trying to figure that out.  I can have organic chicken, turkey, or lamb. I can have fish (yuck). I can have most green vegetables except green bell peppers (don't ask, I don't understand either).  I cannot have iceberg lettuce...again I don't know why.  I can have lentils, beans, goat cheese (again... no idea why I CAN have this but I'll take it!). I can have almonds, pine nuts, and sunflowers but not peanuts or cashews. I can have blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries but that is the only fruit I can have. I can have brown rice, but not white. I can have quinoa and quinoa pasta.  Many of the things she told me I can have I had never heard of before so I had to learn what they were before I could cook them. As depressing as this sounds, I need to lose weight anyway so this can only be good.

It gets more interesting.  The diet will help eliminate toxins and stop the growth of the cancer.  Apparently I also need something to clean my blood and make my cells spew all the junk that I have been filling them with for the past 37 years. Enter herbal supplements. I can take some vitamin D and echinacea just like anyone, but nothing would have prepared me for what I was about to be handed. Alice went to work listing all the supplements I needed to go buy and start taking ASAP.  I am not talking 5 or 6 vitamins, I mean more like 30 to 35 vitamins, 3 times a day.  If I had to purchase these supplements myself at a store, I would have to invest about $350 in supplements for the first 2 weeks. Thankfully once again, Grandma Ma came to the rescue and gave me for free whatever she had on hand.  Then my Dad and his girl friend picked up the tab on the rest. Thank goodness too because over the next few weeks I was about to get co-pay shell shock.

So, one hour with Alice and life as I knew it was over. I couldn't have my morning coffee. No chicken fingers, no cheese, no fast food, no pasta and worst of all, NO WINE!  That is why I was so glad that I enjoyed my last lunch out with Chacha Tina at the Chinese buffet. Now I wish I had eaten more. I am not thrilled. I am actually kind of depressed, but as anyone will tell you, if you keep doing what you have always done, you will keep getting what you have always gotten. So far what I have always done got me fat and gave me cancer. I suppose I am due for a change and change is never easy.

Using her iridology, Alice told me that my cancer is well contained in my breasts and has only reached a few of my lymph nodes.  As I mentioned before, I am not a firm believer in iridology, but I was happy to get some information... ANY information. I was finally able to sleep that night.


  1. Christina, I was a client of
    Alice Mammoser in Orchard Park, NY back in the 80"s and since moving to Florida in 1994 have not had any contact with her. She is such a wonderful woman and she occasionally pops into my mind like she did today. Did a search for her and came up with your site. It is now 2017 and I don't see any recent entries here so I wondered if you are still doing this blog. If so I would really appreciate just an acknowledgment that I have found the right Alice if you would be so kind. Your story is very interesting and I will try to read more of your blogs to a hopefully happy now. Thanks. Gayle Rogalski (

  2. My family saw Alice in the early 80s in Orchard Park. Every year I do a search to see if I can find her again. She was wonderful. She told us so many things that other practitioners are just now discovering and advising. I can't imagine being in her family and not understanding or believing in this holistic practice. I would love to see her again but I know this blog is old. She is the one who told us there were so many types of lettuce (16 or so) and iceberg is the only one you should not eat (too acidic, no nutrients). She was truly amazing. To this day we still talk about her and what wise consult she gave us back 35 years ago. I would love to hear how you made out with her prescribed method of tackling your cancer and if you stuck with it or opted for more traditional methods.

  3. What a surprise to read this! I often think about Alice and remember seeing her in the 80’s in Amherst first and then in Orchard Park. My husband, a Vietnam veteran, was in his late 40’s and developed Multiple Myeloma most likely from Agent Orange. His oncologist told him to get his affairs in order because he most likely would only have 12-18 months to live. A dear friend recommended he see Alice and his road to complete recovery took about a year. He is now 77! I was reading the dietary restrictions out loud to him. We were laughing remembering how how it was back then and trying to afford the necessary supplements but it was worth it! She will always have a special place in our hearts. ❤️

  4. I'm almost 45 and my whole family has seen Alice since I was 7 years old. I don't know how my parents found her, I just know it was because my little brother had terrible allergies. Severe eczema covering his entire body, and he couldn't breath. My mom would sit him on the side of the bathtub and run the hottest water possible hoping the steam would help. I still remember sitting outside the door praying to God to not let him die. Alice was our angel. My little brother is now 43 with a beautiful wife and 3 amazing boys. He can breath perfectly and there's not one spot on his perfect skin. I stopped seeing Alice regularly in my late teens- I had no chronic health issues and it's a little pricey, But my Mom, Dad and brother continued seeing her religiously for about 35 years. Then a year or two ago, she just disappeared. She was such a big part of our lives, and my family is so worried about her. If anyone knows what's going on would you PLEASE reply. If you don't want to talk on this chat, just respond and ask for my email. I thank you ahead of time. Alice was such a huge part of our lives - we will always love her and be forever grateful for her entering our lives.
    Thank you so much
